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How To Order


Ordering is simple and easy:

1) Take your foam or slipper sock castings of each patient 

2) Place all castings, with their accompanying order forms, in a box and apply a business reply label to the top (see below for a link to our business reply labels and our order forms)

3) Ship the box to our office at 8653 Bash St, Indianapolis IN 46256.


 If you are ordering via scan, the scan will come to us with an order form.  Please see instructions below on our recommended steps to create the perfect foam impression.


Step One

Patient should be sitting on the edge of a straight-back chair with the casting foam in front of them.


Step Three

Patient should remove their foot SLOWLY from the casting foam.



Box the castings and send them to M-Tech!


Step Two

Have patient put one foot onto the top of the foam. IMPORTANT: Patient should be positioned so that their knee is directly above their foot! Push patients foot into the foam SLOWLY, keeping their foot parallel to the floor. Foot should touch the bottom of the casting foam. DO NOT HAVE PATIENT STAND UP!


Step Four

Cast patient's other foot in the same manner.

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